Information about the disclosure of financial transfers 

We want transparency about the collaboration between health personnel and the pharmaceutical industry. Arctic Bioscience complies with the EU rules on the disclosure of financial transfers from the pharmaceutical industry to healthcare professionals and health organizations. The rules apply to all member companies and national associations in the Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations in Europe (EFPIA), including the Norwegian Pharmaceutical Industry Association (LMI). 

Transfers made in in the previous calendar year will be published on the company’s website, as well as through a common gateway operated by the local association of pharmaceutical companies. R&D financial transfers to Norwegian HCOs will be disclosed accumulated. In the case of transfer to healthcare personnel, the publication will contain the following information: Full name, Address of internship/place of work, Total value of financial transfers. A detailed overview of the transfers broken down into categories (fees, travel and accommodation costs, registration fees). The information will be publicly available for three years, and the company must store the information for at least seven years after the publication period. The information will generally be published on the basis of legitimate interest. Social security numbers or health personnel numbers are not published. 

Publication of the information safeguards a number of public interests, including patients, the health service, industry and health personnel by: 

  • ensure public confidence in the integrity and independence of health personnel 
  • ensure public health by promoting the responsibility of healthcare professionals for decisions that affect patients’ treatment pathways 
  • show dedication to continuous further education and updating of health personnel, which in turn ensures better care of patients. 

Measures for more transparency about relations between the pharmaceutical industry and health personnel will help to increase trust in all parties. The rules on transparency aim to strengthen the necessary and fully legitimate relationship between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals. Arctic Bioscience wants to contribute to transparency in the industry. 

Further information can be found here: 

Information from EFPIA

Information from LMI

Method note: The purpose of the disclosure of transfers of value is to report the values received by healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations with which Arctic Bioscience interacts, in accordance with Norwegian law, including the Personal Data Act. The publication of the value transfers does not imply permission for others who find information via our website, or via any other national platform, to carry out further processing of the personal data of healthcare professionals. To get a good understanding of the information published, we recommend reading the methodology note that describes the purpose and content of the reported transfers of value. 

Value transfers 2023